Designjet Error Codes

Model T930

Designjet Error Codes
ModelError CodeProblem DescriptionCorrective Action Options
T930 01.7:10 Communication error between Engine PCA & Formatter Turn Off/on. Replace the formatter, Repalce the Engine PCA
T930 01.0:10 Problem with the engine PCA Turn Off/on. Repalce the Engine PCA
T930 01.1:10 Error in the engine PCA Turn off/on. Repalce the engine PCA
T930 01.2:10 Problem with the backup NVM Turn off/on. Check the Encoder PCA Cable is connected, replace the encoder PCA
T930 03.2:10 Problem with the E-Box cooling fans Turn off/on. Check the fans to see if rotating, remove the E-Box and check cables, reconnect power cord and power of E-Box, Replace the Fan, Check Power to PSU and Formatter, Replace PSU
T930 03:10 Problem with the power supply unit Turn off/on. Check cabling comng from the power supply to engine PCA, Replace the PSU.
T930 05.1:10 Problems with the formatter FAN Turn off/on. Disconnect and reconnect cable, Repalce the formatter.
T930 05.4:10 BIOS data corrupted in formatter Replace the formatter
T930 05.5:10 BIOS should be updated (advisory) Update the formatter BIOS
T930 05.7:10 Synchronization problems between control panel and formatter Disconnect any device connected to the USB host in fron panel, Turn off, unplug power cable, reconnect Turn on. Replace front Panel, Repalce Formatter PCA
T930 06:03 Problems with NVM in hard disk Turn off/on. Replace the Hard Drive.
T930 06:10 Problems with NVM in hard disk Turn off/on. Replace the Hard Drive.
T930 06.2:10 Hard disk cannot be unlocked Turn off/on. Remove E-Box, check cables, replace hard disk drive.
T930 06.3:10 Hard disk is corrupted Turn off/on. Remove E-Box, check cables, replace hard disk drive.
T930 08:04 Communication lost between front panel and formatter Turn off/on. Update the Firmware, Check fron panel connections, replace the front panel, replace the formatter PCA
T930 08:08 A front panel icon does not work (advisory) Restart the Printer, Update the firmware
T930 08:10 Problems detected in the front panel Hardware Turn off/on. Check the front panel is correctly connected, replace the front panel.
T930 08:11 Communication lost between front panel and printer Restart printer, update firmware, check front panel connections, repalce the front panel, replace the formatter PCA
T930 11:10 Trailing cable does not seem to be detected Turn off/on. Check Trailing Cable connections, Check for damage, replace trailing cable, check power cable to formatter, replace carriage PCA, Replace Engine PCA
T930 21.2:13 Failure moving service station Turn off/on. Check the path is clear, revove visable obstacles, check cutter activation, perform set service station diagnostic test, replace the service station.
T930 21:13 Problem with the Service Station motor Check Service Station Path, check the cutter is not blocking carriage, perform service station diagnostics test, replace service station
T930 22.0:00 Service-station-side ink supply station error Turn off/on. Perform Ink delivery system diagnostic test, check cables to ISS and engine PCA, replace the ISS on the Serivce station side, replace the Engine PCA.
T930 22.1:00 Front-panel-side ink supply station error Turn off/on. perform ink delivery system diagnostic test, check cables from ISS and engine PCA, replace ISS of the front panel side, replace the engine PCA
T930 24:10 Error detected in ink tube system Turn off/on. perform ink delivery system diagnostic test to see if bongos go up and down to pressurize ink in the tube, install new cartiridges and printheads, try purging ISS. Replace ISS
T930 26:01 Ink supply error found during IDS diagnostic test (advisory) reseat faulty ink supply and repeat the ink delivery system diagnostic test, replace the faulty ink supply and repeat diagnostic test, repalce Left ink supply station
T930 27:01 Too many nozzeles out detected Print the “Nozzle health” diagnostic print from the service menu, replace printhead if nozzels out, if ok run “drop detector calibration”, replace drop detector
T930 41:03 Electrical problem in paper-axis motor Turn off/on, check for visible obstacles in paper path, perform paper drive diagnostic test, check paper advance drive cable, replace paper advance drive, replace engine PCA
T930 42:03 Electrical problem in scan-axis motor Turn off/on. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the printer, check for visable obstacles, check cables, replace scan axis motor, replace the engine PCA
T930 45.1:03 Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder) Turn off/on. The rewinder will be tested automatically during boot up, the cable connect the PCA, replace the upper roll rewinder
T930 45.1:10 Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder) Turn off/on. the rewinder will be tested automatically during boot up, the cable connect the PCA, replace the upper roll rewinder
T930 45.2:03 Error in the rewinder 2 system (lower rewinder) Turn off/on. the rewinder will be tested automatically during boot up, the cable connect the PCA, replace the lower roll rewinder
T930 45.2:10 Error in the rewinder 2 system (lower rewinder) Turn off/on. the rewinder will be tested automatically during boot up, the cable connect the PCA, replace the lower roll rewinder
T930 46.1:10 Error in the upper pump of the PHA blowing system Turn Off/on. Check Pump cable is undamaged and connected to PCA, replace the upper pump
T930 46.2:10 Error in the lower pump of the PHA blowing system Turn Off/on. Check Pump cable is undamaged and connected to PCA, replace the lower pump
T930 47:03 Starwheel motor error Turn off/on. Check for visible obstacles, perform scan-axix starwheeel diagnostic test, check cables, replace starwheel motor, replace engine PCA.
T930 47:10 Starwheel motor error Turn off/on. Check for visible obstacles, perform scan-axix starwheeel diagnostic test, check cables, replace starwheel motor, replace engine PCA.
T930 47.5:10 Problem at the starwheel lifter motor end of the travel sensor Turn off/on. Check for visible obstacles, perform scan-axix starwheeel diagnostic test, check cables, replace starwheel motor, lifter sensor cable, replace sensor, replace engine PCA.
T930 48:00 PRS Actuator system failure turn off/on. Perform the scan-axis PPS diagnostic test,Check the PRS Actuator cable, Replace the printhead-to-paper space solenoid, Replace engine PCA
T930 52:10 Drop detector failure Turn off/on. Check the cable, Replace the drop detector, replace the service station.
T930 54.4:03 Pinchwheel lifter motor error Turn off/on. Check for visible obstacles, check cable, repalce the pinchwheel lifter motor, replace the engine PCA
T930 55:10 Cannot access the line sensor EEPROM Turn off/on. Perform carriage test, replace line sensor, replace the carriage PCA
T930 56:01 Drive roller analog encoder homing failed Turn off/on. Perform paper path test, replace the encoder disk and encoder sensor, replace the engine PCA
T930 59.1:09 Two electrical parts have been replaced at the same time Replace part one at a time, restart the printer before replacing another.
T930 59.2:00 An unsupported or reused part has been installed Install only new parts recommended by HP for this printer
T930 59.3:10 Wrong information stored on CryptoAsic Escalate the case to Level 3, requesting new CryptoAsic SIM licenses. Update the CryptoAsic SIM with thedelivered licenses.
T930 59.4:10 CryptoAsic failure Reseat the CryptoAsic SIM PCA, Order an CryptoAsic SIM PCA Service Kit, & replace, escalate to case 3, Replace the engine PCA
T930 59.5:19 CryptoAsic type mismatch Turn off/onOrder an CryptoAsic SIM PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3, replace Engine PCA
T930 59.6:19 Printer serial number mismatch Turn off/onOrder an CryptoAsic SIM PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3, replace Engine PCA
T930 59.7:14 CryptoAsic generic error Turn off/onOrder an CryptoAsic SIM PCA Service Kit. Escalate to Level 3, Write in an empty USB the file provided by Level 3, plug in the USB in the printer and reboot.
T930 60.1:11 Initialization error (cannot read RFID tag) Turn Off/on. Check that the RFID device connections, get diagnostic package and contact Level 3.
T930 60.2:17 Initialization error (RFID has incorrect data) Turn Off/on. Check that the RFID device connections, get diagnostic package and contact Level 3.
T930 61:01 Incorrect or unsupported file format (advisory) Check if printer supports file format,(PS, TIFF,JPEG supported by Post Script Printers) Turn off/on. resend the file to the printer, update the firmware
T930 61:04.1 PostScript fonts seem to be missing (advisory) Update the firmware to re-install fonts.
T930 61:04.2 Unknown PostScript ID sent to printer (advisory) Update the firmware to re-install fonts.
T930 61:08 Incorrect paper type specified in job (advisory) Change the paper and resend job
T930 61:08.1 Job cannot be printed because it is password-protected Resend the job without password protection
T930 61:08.2 Job contains format errors or incorrect settings ensure the file format is supported by the printer, resend the job using the Embedded Web server
T930 61:09 Unexpected end of job (advisory) Resend the job, resend using the embedded web server
T930 61:10 Job timed out (advisory) Increase the I/O timeout using the printers front panel, resend the job from a faster computer, resend the job using the Embedded Web Server, use "Print to File" to save to USB and send from USB
T930 63:04 Network interface error Turn off/on. Check the network cable, update the firmware, check network interface card, repalce the network interface card
T930 63:10 Network interface error Turn off/on. Check the network cable, update the firmware, check network interface card,check cable, repalce the network interface card
T930 63:20 Potential problem in the network interface turn off/on. Check network cable, update firmware, Check that the network interface card (including the riser) are correctly connected
T930 71:03 Out of memory Turn off/on. Resend the job by: decreasing resolution to 300 dpi, select economode, send job as a bitmap
T930 71:08 Insufficient display list Turn off/on. Resend the job by: decreasing resolution to 300 dpi, select economode, send job as a bitmap
T930 72.02 service calibration should be performed At the front panel, press [double wheel icon] then [single wheel icon] , then Internal prints > Service information prints > Print calibration status. Perform whatever calibration needed
T930 74:01 Error uploading firmware update file Turn off/on. Ensure connection to computer and printer is functioning, Try again up upload the firmware update file.
T930 74.1:04 Error uploading paper preset Turn off/on. Ensure connection to computer and printer is functioning, Try again up upload the paper preset file.
T930 74.08:04 Firmware update problem Turn off/on. Try again to update the firmware. Download the firmware file again, as the file that you have may be corrupted. Replace the front panel
T930 76:03 The hard disk is full Remove any unceccessary files from the hard disk using the Embedded Web Server, run the hard idsk Recovery Utility
T930 78:08 Paper does not support borderless printing Use a paper type that supports borderless printing.
T930 78.1:04 Paper settings area missing in paper settings file Turn off/on. Update the firmware.
T930 79:03 Generic firmware error Turn off/on. Update the firmware. Information available by pressing [X] while viewing the system error screen. Technician refert to Appendix C: How to troubleshoot error.
T930 79:04 Generic firmware error Turn off/on. Update the firmware. Information available by pressing [X] while viewing the system error screen. Technician refert to Appendix C: How to troubleshoot error.
T930 79.2:04 Generic Operating System error Turn off/on. Update the firmware. Information available by pressing [X] while viewing the system error screen. Technician refert to Appendix C: How to troubleshoot error.
T930 80:03 Stacker overdrive motor error Turn off/on. Test the cutter. Perform a 'Form Feed & Cut', and verify the paper can be cut.Perform Stacker overdrive motor diagnostic, replace stacker overdrive motor, perform calibration.
T930 81:01 Paper servo shutdown, possible paper jam Check for Structural Damage: platen finger rubbing rollers, leaving black marks on roller, gap in the platen beam. Check for visable obstacles, perform paper drive diagnostics, check Engine PCA.
T930 86:01 Scan axis servo shutdown, possible paper jam Check for visable obstacles restricting carriage, Turn off/on. Perform scan-axis diagnotic, check carriage belt repalce as needed, lubricate scan axix, perform encoder strip verification
T930 87:01 Problem reading the scan-axis encoder Turn off/on. Ensure encoder stip is clean especially near service station. Replace carriage PCA
T930 89:03 Stacker ramps motor error Turn off/on. Perform the stacker ramps motor diagnostic test, check cable, replace the stacker ramps motor
T930 90:03 Diverter valves motor error Turn off, remove paper from stacker and basket, turn on. Perform output valve test, check diverter valves & calibrate, repalce stacker, calibrate, check form feed and cut action.
T930 93.0.n:10 Ink pressure error in first test during in Printhead filling for color n indicates color failing. 0=photo blackk,1=gray,2=matte blackk, 3=cyan, 4=magenta, 5=yellow
T930 93.1.n:10 Temperature error in first spitting test during in Printhead filling n indicates color failing. 0=photo blackk,1=gray,2=matte blackk, 3=cyan, 4=magenta, 5=yellow
T930 93.2.n:10 Ink pressure error in second test during in Printhead filling n indicates color failing. 0=photo blackk,1=gray,2=matte blackk, 3=cyan, 4=magenta, 5=yellow, moisten tube septums with water, upgrade firmware, purge tubes agin with new printhead & ink
T930 93.3.n:10 Temperature error in second spitting test during in Printhead n indicates color failing. 0=photo blackk,1=gray,2=matte blackk, 3=cyan, 4=magenta, 5=yellow, could be service station ISS, front panel or other errors refer to technical manual